Friday, August 22, 2008


Cyberbulling is a very bad thing to do . Like insulted people who is innocent , told lies on people and puplish on wedsite . If anything happens to me I will tell my parents ,teacher or go to the police station and report.

Olympic games is a sport like racing , swimming , gymnastic and other sporty stuff.
It is a great sport for all of us in the world . I like all sporty stuff in the whole wide world.And Olympic means team work and work hard .Singapore won silver metal for table tennis . No metter how hard they tried I will always support Singapore.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

having mother's day is great the day is to make her happy , I would give her a kiss and a big hug.
Having a mother is great I love her the way she is.


Dear mother,

You are the greatest mother in the whole wide world . I love you no matter
what happen or other thing I just love the way you are.No matter what I
bullied or something you will alwaysthere for me to make me happy.

valorie ong

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hi ! I eat in school because it is cheeper and nice too..If I don't eat in school I will starve to
death.My favourite stall is stall number 8 it has very nice food that make me fell like eat it
everyday.Sometime I fell that it is not healthy and sometime it is .Ithink canteen is not clea
because people keep littering in the canteen.Food which is healthy is fruit juice and porrige .
I suggest some food in the canteen is more porrige and fruit .I suggest to be cleaner and
healthier for teachers and pupils.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Response 3 Hand Foot Mouth Disease

Hand Foot Mouth Disease is a virus that can spread easily.My friend's cousin , has Hand Foot
Mouth Disease he/she the mouth inside is fill with ulcer he/she cannot eat anything because
it hurt so much ,he/she leg swollen up , when i think of he/she i will fill very upset about
he/she .

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Friendship is all about having friend and built friendship . Having friends is good but not the bads one ,bad friends is no good because they will teach you bad things and ask you to do bad things.If you chose good friends they will work with you teach you things good that you don't know,they also keep you compony and comfort you when you are sad.

''If you don't have any friends try to make some .I will always support you ''